Smacking Her Ass Is Played Out Funny

Do girls like having their butt slapped?


8I don't mean spanking I mean just a butt slap as a joke. Not from a complete stranger but maybe someone that has been flirting with you or your partner. Here is a scene that I really like about butt slapping by the way lol😂

Do girls like having their butt slapped?

Most Helpful Guys

  • Reaperbot666

    if you know she happens to like it and will not yell at you or worse. a nice tap or smack on the butt can be playful.

    some might only like a swipe.
    while others like a tap.
    and some might like a lite smack.
    or a hard smack.

    but depending on what she likes and knows is just you being playful / flirty. it can also help to make a woman aroused.

    same could be said for men really.

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  • MoscowMitch

    If they've been flirting with you, yes they do. It's just another level of flirting. Just so long as she's not a feminazi.

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Most Helpful Girls

  • EyeAmNiceGirl

    Of course we like it. We also like having our nipples pinched, and our crotch grabbed. And every woman secretly longs for having Joe Biden walk up behind them and start "caressing."

    Like Disagree 7 People

    • Nithinkumar2002

      I too have the same doubt as his my bae too says me don't do that and all but she kisses me like she wants to have sex with me but she says no sex and no freaky stuff but I think she too has a freaky side but she is not opening what to do

    • ChiTown33

      Lol @ the Joe Biden remark.

    • mobligator

      I wish all women thought like you! there's is nothing better to feel than a womans shapely butt in my opinion.

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  • Anonymous

    Maybe if the slap is from the boyfriend, fiance or bestfriend or someone very close and you're too comfortable with.

    Like 3 People

  • LuWe22

    Yes. From my boyfriend. I also like to slap his ass

    Like 1 Person

  • Ámayas_20

    If it's someone I'm close to then yeah

    Like 2 People

  • Harmseygrace

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What Girls & Guys Said

7 10

  • kespethdude

    No, they don't. Unlike saying "hi" or asking them out on a date (which guys have actually been charged with sexual harassment for doing), this actually IS sexual harassment. Don't drop the soap, buddy.

    Like Disagree 2 People

    • Nadim171

      I hate the fact that this is what society became. While 40 years ago this would have been seen as normal

  • markscott

    My girl likes me swatting her butt, but not slapping her butt. The difference is how hard it's done. I playfully swat her butt, not hit her.

    Like 1 Person

  • LawrenceKen

    That's a movie it doesn't count.
    Unless you're already dating, a lot of women will think you're a creep doing that and their attraction to you will be lowered.

    Like 1 Person

    • Nadim171

      Not if you're in the 1960s

    • LawrenceKen

      no lol. Learn your history kid, they were FAR more conservative back then.

    • Nadim171

      Not really, more conservative but not in that way

  • Mamamialetmego

    They fucking LOVE IT man they fucking LOVE IT ;) Also they love little bit tough love, when you squeeze their arms, pull their hair they love to be dominated by a strong, attractive man.

  • DWornock

    That was fine in the 1960s. Now it sexual harassment.

    • Nadim171

      Can't we bring old trends back?

    • DWornock

      In time those good times may return, but not with our current masters and owners. They have some agenda; I don't know what it is, but they make the rules and own the media that tells the public what to think. And they own the public schools and colleges that indoctrinate student on how to think and what to believe. And, in effect, they own the politicians since politicians cannot get elected if mainstream criticizes them 24/7.

  • NorthwestRider

    My fiancée loves slapping my ass

    Sometimes we slap each others at the same time

    Like 3 People

  • God-vs-Satan

    Some women would but only if the man is someone she likes and not related.

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  • naijagurl

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  • Kiran_Yagami

    Yes, but not by strangers.

    Like 2 People

  • Anonymous

    i don't know. YOU'RE a girl! do you like it

    • Nadim171

      Fuck you

    • Anonymous

      you're being so menstrual right now

    • Nadim171

      Fuck you.

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  • SpiderManFan2002

    Like Disagree 4 People

  • DollySummers

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  • GhostMochi

    Like 2 People

  • JosyJosy

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  • Islandbabe7

  • Anonymous

  • ZeussLightningBolt

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    • ZeussLightningBolt

      Doing that shit will get your face slapped

    • Nadim171

      In modern day sure


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